Analysis of the early-time optical spectra of SN 2011fe in M101

Autoria(s): Parrent, Jerod T.; Howell, D. Andrew; Friesen, Brian C.; Thomas, Rollin C.; Fesen, Robert A.; Milisavljevic, Dan; Bianco, Federica B.; Dilday, Benjamin; Nugent, Peter E.; Baron, Edward A.; Arcavi, I.; Ben-Ami, S.; Bersier, David; Bildsten, Lars; Bloom, Joshua S.; Cao, Y.; Cenko, S. Bradley; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Gal-Yam, Avishay; Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Konidaris, N.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Law, Nicholas M.; Levitan, D.; Maguire, Kate; Mazzali, Paolo A.; Ofek, Eran O.; Pan, Y.; Polishook, D.; Poznanski, Dovi; Quimby, Robert M.; Silverman, Jeffrey M.; Sternberg, A.; Sullivan, Mark; Walker, Emma S.; Xu, Dong; Buton, C.; Pereira, R.



The nearby Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe in M101 (cz=241 km s^-1) provides a unique opportunity to study the early evolution of a "normal" Type Ia supernova, its compositional structure, and its elusive progenitor system. We present 18 high signal-to-noise spectra of SN 2011fe during its first month beginning 1.2 days post-explosion and with an average cadence of 1.8 days. This gives a clear picture of how various line-forming species are distributed within the outer layers of the ejecta, including that of unburned material (C+O). We follow the evolution of C II absorption features until they diminish near maximum light, showing overlapping regions of burned and unburned material between ejection velocities of 10,000 and 16,000 km s^-1. This supports the notion that incomplete burning, in addition to progenitor scenarios, is a relevant source of spectroscopic diversity among SNe Ia. The observed evolution of the highly Doppler-shifted O I 7774 absorption features detected within five days post-explosion indicate the presence of O I with expansion velocities from 11,500 to 21,000 km s^-1. The fact that some O I is present above C II suggests that SN 2011fe may have had an appreciable amount of unburned oxygen within the outer layers of the ejecta.







Parrent , J T , Howell , D A , Friesen , B C , Thomas , R C , Fesen , R A , Milisavljevic , D , Bianco , F B , Dilday , B , Nugent , P E , Baron , E A , Arcavi , I , Ben-Ami , S , Bersier , D , Bildsten , L , Bloom , J S , Cao , Y , Cenko , S B , Filippenko , A V , Gal-Yam , A , Kasliwal , M M , Konidaris , N , Kulkarni , S R , Law , N M , Levitan , D , Maguire , K , Mazzali , P A , Ofek , E O , Pan , Y , Polishook , D , Poznanski , D , Quimby , R M , Silverman , J M , Sternberg , A , Sullivan , M , Walker , E S , Xu , D , Buton , C & Pereira , R 2012 , ' Analysis of the early-time optical spectra of SN 2011fe in M101 ' The Astrophysical Journal. Letters , vol 752 , no. 2 , pp. L26 . DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/752/2/L26

Palavras-Chave #color figures #general #individual #online-only material #sn 2011fe #supernovae
