Undergraduate Student perceptions of a Restorative Dentistry OSCE

Autoria(s): Lappin, Mark; Russell, Suzanne



Objectives: The Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) is a widely accepted assessment method in undergraduate dental education. It aims to test higher order skills, attitudes and aspects of professionalism which other summative assessments such as MCQs and other written examinations are less able to do. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of 4th year undergraduate dental students of an OSCE undertaken in the Conservation Department.<br/>Methods: On completion of the OSCE examination 51 fourth year undergraduate students were asked to complete an anonymised questionnaire. The questionnaire was made 22 questions, and requiring the students to provide both open and closed responses.<br/>Results: A lot of positive aspects to the OSCE were observed in responses, students felt that the OSCE was a meaningful way for assessing their clinical skills (85%), it reflected real life conditions (79%) and that it was a fair method of assessment (75%). <br/>A number of negative aspects were also noted. Most students felt the OSCE was stressful (72%) and they felt nervous during the examination (77%). Of the undergraduates asked 42% did not feel confident doing the OSCE. <br/>A number of students felt it would be helpful to have additional information given to them on the OSCE prior to the assessment process.<br/>Conclusion: In general the students found the OSCE a fair, meaningful form of assessment which reflected real life clinical situations, providing them with an opportunity to show their clinical knowledge and practical skills. A number study cohort did not feel confident during the OSCE and felt nervous and stressed by the experience. The information gained from the reflective nature of the feedback questionnaire has proved invaluable in the design of subsequent diets of the OSCE examination. <br/>








Lappin , M & Russell , S 2015 , ' Undergraduate Student perceptions of a Restorative Dentistry OSCE ' Restorative Dentistry UK Annual Meeting, Belfast October 2015 , Belfast , United Kingdom , 01/10/2015 - 02/10/2015 , .

