Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe using Delphi methods: A White Paper from the European Association of Palliative care

Autoria(s): Tuffrey-Wijne, Irene; McLaughlin, Doris; Curfs, Leopold; Dusart, Anne; Hoenger, Catherine; McEnhill, Linda; Read, Sue; Ryan, Karen; Satge, Daniel; Straber, Benjamin; Westergard, Britt-Evy; Oliver, David



Background: People with intellectual disabilities often present with unique challenges that make it more difficult to meet their<br/>palliative care needs.<br/>Aim: To define consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe.<br/>Design: Delphi study in four rounds: (1) a taskforce of 12 experts from seven European countries drafted the norms, based on available empirical knowledge and regional/national guidelines; (2) using an online survey, 34 experts from 18 European countries evaluated the draft norms, provided feedback and distributed the survey within their professional networks. Criteria for consensus<br/>were clearly defined; (3) modifications and recommendations were made by the taskforce; and (4) the European Association for<br/>Palliative Care reviewed and approved the final version.<br/>Setting and participants: Taskforce members: identified through international networking strategies. Expert panel: a purposive sample identified through taskforce members’ networks.<br/>Results: A total of 80 experts from 15 European countries evaluated 52 items within the following 13 norms: equity of access, communication, recognising the need for palliative care, assessment of total needs, symptom management, end-of-life decision making, involving those who matter, collaboration, support for family/carers, preparing for death, bereavement support, education/training<br/>and developing/managing services. None of the items scored less than 86% agreement, making a further round unnecessary. In light of respondents’ comments, several items were modified and one item was deleted.<br/>Conclusion: This White Paper presents the first guidance for clinical practice, policy and research related to palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities based on evidence and European consensus, setting a benchmark for changes in policy and practice.









Tuffrey-Wijne , I , McLaughlin , D , Curfs , L , Dusart , A , Hoenger , C , McEnhill , L , Read , S , Ryan , K , Satge , D , Straber , B , Westergard , B-E & Oliver , D 2016 , ' Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe using Delphi methods: A White Paper from the European Association of Palliative care ' Palliative Medicine , vol 30 , no. 5 , pp. 446-455 . DOI: 10.1177/0269216315600993

Palavras-Chave #Palliative care, intellectual disabilities, consensus, health-care quality, access and evaluation, end of life
