Man-up Against Suicide

Autoria(s): Oliffe, John; Han, Christina; Creighton, G; Bottorff, Joan; Johnson, J; Lohan, Maria



Male suicide rates are high in Western countries including the US and Canada. Underpinned by men’s resistance to health help-seeking and challenges diagnosing mental illness including male depression, suicide ends the lives of many men amid inflicting pain and grief on the family and friends who are left behind. Fuelled by the discordant relationship between men’s low rates of depression and high rates of suicide we embarked on a unique and novel photovoice study title Man-Up Against Suicide. Specifically, men who have contemplated suicide in the past, and individuals (men and women) who have lost a male partner, family member or friend to suicide were invited to take photographs representing their experiences with men’s suicide with the ultimate goal of messaging ‘at risk’ men that there are alternatives to taking one’s life. Participants subsequently completed semi-structured individual interviews narrating the photographs and providing captions to accompany their selected images. In this presentation we share the preliminary study findings along with some participant photographs and narratives as a means to discussing; 1) men’s experiences of suicidal behaviours and their management strategies; and, 2) how men’s and women’s experiences of losing a male to suicide can de-stigmatize men’s mental illness and raise public awareness about male suicide.







Oliffe , J , Han , C , Creighton , G , Bottorff , J , Johnson , J & Lohan , M 2014 , ' Man-up Against Suicide ' Paper presented at American Public Health Association 142nd Annual Meeting & Expo , New Orleans , United States , 15/11/2014 - 19/11/2014 , .

