Interlaboratory ring test of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays for zeranol and alpha-zearalenol and comparison with zeranol test kits

Autoria(s): Cooper, K M; Ribeiro, L; Alves, P; Vozikis, V; Tsitsamis, S; Alfredsson, G; Lovgren, T; Tuomola, M; Takalo, H; Iitia, A; Sterk, S S; Blokland, M; Kennedy, D G



<p>Many zeranol immunoassay test kits cross-react with toxins formed by naturally occurring Fusarium spp. fungi, leading to false-positive screening results. This paper describes the evaluation and application of recently published, dry reagent time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays (TR-FIA) for zeranol and the toxin alpha-zearalenol. A ring test of bovine urine fortified with zeranol and/or alpha-zearalenol in four European Union National Reference Laboratories demonstrated that the TR-FIA tests were accurate and robust. The alpha-zearalenol TR-FIA satisfactorily quantified alpha-zearalenol in urine fortified at 10-30 ng ml(-1) . The specificity-enhanced zeranol TR-FIA accurately quantified zeranol in the range 2-5 ng ml(-1) and gave no false-positive results in blank urine, even in the presence of 30 ng ml(-1) alpha-zearalenol. Zeranol TR-FIA specificity was demonstrated further by analysing incurred zeranol-free urine samples containing natural Fusarium spp. toxins. The TR-FIA yielded no false-positive results in the presence of up to 22 ng ml(-1) toxins. The performance of four commercially available zeranol immunoassay test kits was more variable. Three kits produced many false-positive results. One kit produced only one potential false-positive using a protocol that was longer than that of the TR-FIA. These TR-FIAs will be valuable tools to develop inspection criteria to distinguish illegal zeranol abuse from contamination arising from in vivo metabolism of Fusarium spp. toxins.</p>







Cooper , K M , Ribeiro , L , Alves , P , Vozikis , V , Tsitsamis , S , Alfredsson , G , Lovgren , T , Tuomola , M , Takalo , H , Iitia , A , Sterk , S S , Blokland , M & Kennedy , D G 2003 , ' Interlaboratory ring test of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays for zeranol and alpha-zearalenol and comparison with zeranol test kits ' Food Additives and Contaminants , vol 20 , no. 9 , pp. 804-812 . DOI: 10.1080/0265203031000156097

Palavras-Chave #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1100/1106 #Food Science #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1600/1601 #Chemistry (miscellaneous) #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2300/2307 #Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/3000/3005 #Toxicology
