Intelligent demand response electric water heating to integrate wind power in Ireland

Autoria(s): Fitzgerald, Niall; Foley, Aoife; McKeogh, E.J.



Dwindling fossil fuel resources and pressures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will result in a more diverse range of generation portfolios for future electricity systems. Irrespective of the portfolio mix the overarching requirement for all electricity suppliers and system operators is that supply instantaneously meets demand and that robust operating standards are maintained to ensure a consistent supply of high quality electricity to end-users. Therefore all electricity market participants will ultimately need to use a variety of tools to balance the power system. Thus the role of demand side management (DSM) with energy storage will be paramount to integrate future diverse generation portfolios. Electric water heating (EWH) has been studied previously, particularly at the domestic level to provide load control, peak shave and to benefit end-users financially with lower bills, particularly in vertically integrated monopolies. In this paper, a continuous Direct Load Control (DLC) EWH algorithm is applied in a liberalized market environment using actual historical electricity system and market data to examine the potential energy savings, cost reductions and electricity system operational improvements.







Fitzgerald , N , Foley , A & McKeogh , E J 2011 , ' Intelligent demand response electric water heating to integrate wind power in Ireland ' Paper presented at 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2011) , Dubrovnik , Croatia , 01/10/2011 - 01/10/2011 , pp. 0-0 .

