Concomitant and antecedent deep venous thrombosis and cancer survival in male US veterans

Autoria(s): Anderson, Lesley; Moore, S.C.; Gridley, G.; Stone, B.J.; Landgren, O.



Survival is reportedly worse in patients with cancer concurrently diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis. However, information on specific malignancies is limited. From a cohort study of male US veterans we identified incident cancer cases (n aEuroS== aEuroS412 008) and compared survival patterns among those with versus without a history of deep venous thrombosis. Using Cox proportional hazard models, we estimated hazard ratios (HRs) and 95%% confidence intervals as measures of the relative risk of dying. Individuals with (versus without) a concomitant deep venous thrombosis and cancer diagnosis had a higher risk of dying (HR aEuroS== aEuroS1.38; 1.28--1.49). The most prominent excess mortality (HR aEuroS== aEuroS1.29--2.55) was observed among patients diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis at the time of diagnosis of lung, gastric, prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer. Increased risk of dying was also found among cancer patients diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis 1 year (HR aEuroS== aEuroS1.14; 1.07--1.22), 1--5 years (HR aEuroS== aEuroS1.14; 1.10--1.19), and > 5 years (HR aEuroS== aEuroS1.27; 1.23--1.31) before cancer; this was true for most cancer sites (HR aEuroS== aEuroS1.17--1.64). In summary, antecedent deep venous thrombosis confers a worse prognosis upon cancer patients. Advanced stage at diagnosis, treatment effects, lifestyle factors, and comorbidity could explain differences by cancer site and time frame between a prior deep venous thrombosis diagnosis and cancer outcome.







Anderson , L , Moore , S C , Gridley , G , Stone , B J & Landgren , O 2011 , ' Concomitant and antecedent deep venous thrombosis and cancer survival in male US veterans ' Leukemia and Lymphoma , vol 52 , no. 5 , pp. 764-770 . DOI: 10.3109/10428194.2010.551572

Palavras-Chave #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2720 #Hematology #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2730 #Oncology #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300/1306 #Cancer Research
