Contribuinte(s) |
牟炜民 |
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Resumo |
In human memory, a large environment is divided into several small trunks. Each trunk is represented separately. So it formed a hierarchical representation of the large environment. Carlson-Radvansky & Jiang (1998) reported that different environments may be encoded in different spatial reference frames, and accessing an environmental representation requires activating the corresponding reference frame. According to the theory of intrinsic frames of reference proposed by Mou and his college, people organize the spatial relations of the objects in an environment relative to the intrinsic frames of reference in their representation. Our study focus on how people retrieval the spatial relations of objects in two nested spaces when they do the JRD task. The main findings of our study are: a) In two nested spaces, the objects in each space are represented relative to the intrinsic reference direction of that space. And people’s retrieval of the spatial relations between the objects in the same space according to the recovery and retrieval of the intrinsic reference direction of that space. b) In the JRD task, when retrieval the spatial relationships of objects in different spaces, the performance is depend on the recovery and retrieval of the intrinsic reference direction of the space that the target object in. c) After people retrieval of the spatial relations of objects in different spaces depends on the recovery of the intrinsic reference frame of one of the space, it was very hard for them to use the intrinsic frame of reference frame of the other space in retrieval the spatial relations of objects. 在人对环境的记忆表征中,大的环境被分割成小的组块空间,并且每个组块空间又分别被表征,从而形成了对环境的层级表征。在Carlson-Radvansky等的研究中发现,不同的空间组块可能是基于不同的空间参照系来进行表征的。人对不同环境中各个元素的空间位置的提取要基于这些元素所在的大的空间组块之间相互关系的提取。根据Mou等提出的场景内在参照系理论,人对环境中各个元素之间的空间位置关系是相对于环境中的内在参照系来进行表征的。不同的环境中有不同的场景内在参照系。本研究通过六个实验研究相互嵌套的空间中单个空间的表征、不同空间中物体的位置关系的表征以及坐标系的切换等问题。研究结果发现如下: 一、 在两个嵌套式的空间中,单独的空间中各个元素之间的空间位置关系是以该空间中的场景内在参照系来表征的,在提取该空间中各个元素的空间位置关系时,也依赖于对该空间中的场景内在参照系的恢复和提取。 二、 对于位于两个嵌套式空间中不同空间的各个元素之间进行相对位置判断的时候,人会依赖于对目标物体所在空间中的场景内在参照系的恢复和提取。 三、 一旦人利用其中一个场景中的内在参照系恢复和提取嵌套式空间中位于不同空间中各个物体之间的空间位置关系之后,在短时间内很难再去恢复和提取另一个空间中的内在参照系来提取空间中的各个元素之间的空间位置关系。 |
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Idioma(s) |
中文 |
Fonte |
嵌套式空间中物体空间关系的表征和提取.张慧[d].中国科学院心理研究所,2009.20-25 |
Palavras-Chave | #内在参照系 #嵌套式空间 #空间表征 |
Tipo |
学位论文 |