
Autoria(s): 陈勤





Along with Chinese general national power upgrades constantly, the gaps between the rich and the poor in different areas and groups increased by contraries. Charity career in China attracts more and more attention. In western society, there is consanguineous correlativity between the development of charity career and charity marketing, and donation motivation is one of the most important factors. It’s mainly focus on two issues, one is the process of donation behavior and the other one is the drive of donation behavior. There are great differences between domestic studies on donation motivation and the current correlative theory due to different cultures, religions, regions and so on. In this article, western theory of donation motivation has been summarized and meanwhile the unique domestic donation motivation has been analyzed. The article includes two studies. Firstly, investigated domestic individual donation motivation as well as primary donation behavior, secondly studied the structure of donation motivation by questionnaire. Results show that, firstly, there are four factors in Chinese individual donation motivation which were cost-income balance, passive donation, to do good and accumulate merit, public morality and habit-share. Organization disadvantage and ability limit are the two factors in unwilling donation motivation. Secondly, in this survey, there are no significant differences between cost-income balance and demographic variables. Passive donation motivation shows significant differences only on gender and occupation. To do good and accumulate merit shows significant difference only on occupation. To do good and accumulate merit and habit-share also show significant differences on age. Passive donation is one of special factors in China. Thirdly, donors are prefer to help children who unable to go to school and people who hit by a natural calamity than to help agriculture labourer and laid-off worker. At last, donors concern more about the information feedback such as how was their donation has been used. If the charity organization can not meet the donors’demands in this aspect, it will be surely result in unwilling donation.

随着我国综合国力不断提升,地区间、群体间贫富差距不断加大,公益事业越来越被人们所重视。西方公益事业的发展与大量社会营销研究密不可分,捐赠动机便是其中最为重要的内容之一,主要聚焦在两类问题上:一是捐赠行为的发生过程,二是捐赠行为的驱力。我国对公众个人捐赠动机的研究非常有限,由于文化、宗教、地域等方面的因素,与现有理论有很大差异。 本文在总结西方捐赠动机理论的基础上,探索符合我国社会文化环境下的捐赠动机因素。研究分两阶段进行:首先调查中国公众个人捐赠动机及主要捐赠行为;然后采用问卷法研究捐赠动机结构及不同捐赠者的特征差异。 结果表明: 第一,中国公众个人捐赠动机可分为五个因素:成本-收益,被动捐赠,积善扶弱,公共道德,习惯-分享。不捐赠动机主要有两个因素:组织不利和能力限制。 第二,成本-收益权衡动机在调查涉及的人口统计变量上差异不显著;被动捐赠动机只在性别和职业上差异显著;积善扶弱在职业上差异显著;积善扶弱和习惯-分享在年龄上差异显著。被动捐赠因素是我国较为特殊也是比较有特色的捐赠动机之一。 第三,公众对于弱势群体的捐赠意愿最高的为:失学儿童和自然灾害受害者,对于农民工、下岗工人等人群的捐赠意愿相对较低。 第四,公众对慈善组织捐款使用和信息反馈有较高诉求,如果这些方面不能满足捐赠者的要求,将是造成不捐赠的原因。








Palavras-Chave #捐赠动机 #社会营销 #捐赠行为
