
Autoria(s): 陈中州





Butovskaya, a scholar of Former Soviet Union, first determined the depth of basalt layer in Tashkent Zone by using converted waves on seismogram in 1952. From then on, more and more scholars developed the comprehensive research that imaged the earth interior structures by applying converted waves information. With the digitalization of earthquake observation, The inversion imaging of complete or partial waveform record can efficiently improve inversion quality and widen its usage scope, therefore great progress is made in converted wave imaging. This paper makes a certain study in converted wave imaging on that basis. Transmitted PP waves and converted PS waves are generated when a P-wave propagates through an interface separating two media with large impedance contracts. A PS converted wave is a seismic body wave, which result from the conversion of an incident parent P wave at a boundary within the crust to a refracted S wave. The thickness of a single crustal layer can theoretically be determined by observing, with three-componented seismometer at a single station, the difference in time of the arrival of the parent P wave and the arrival of the PS converted wave. For a multilayered media, PS converted wave arrivals corresponding to each of the layers can theoretically be observed, provided the station is sufficiently from the source of the parent P wave to allow initial penetration of the P wave beneath the deepest layer considered. To avoid the difficulty of picking up transmitted P-wave and converted wave phases, this paper proposed a converted wave migration method by estimating the travel time difference between PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave. To verify its validity, we apply the converted wave PS migration algorithm to synthetic data generated by three forward modeling. The migration results indicate that PS converted wave may be migrated to reconstruct the transmitting interface. This technique is helpful to investigate the deep earth structures by using earthquake data.







Palavras-Chave #PS型折射转换波 #到时差 #偏移叠加PS converted wave
