
Autoria(s): 吕成远





Study of dynamical mechanism of hydrocarbon secondary migration is the key research project of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation in the ninth "Five-Year Plan", and this research is the hot and difficult spot and frontline in the domain of reservoir forming study in recent years. It is a common recognition that the dynamical mechanism of hydrocarbon's secondary migration is the important factor to control the reservoir type, distribution and oil/gas abundance. Therefore, to study this mechanism and establish the modes of hydrocarbon's migration and accumulation in different reservoirs under different conditions are of great theoretical meaningfulness and practical value on both developing the theory and method of hydrocarbon migration/accumulation dynamics in terrestrial rift-subsidence lacustrine basins and guiding the exploration and production. A laboratory for physical simulation of hydrocarbon's secondary migration/accumulation mechanism has been build up. 12 types of physical simulation tests to determine the volume of oil/gas migration and accumulation within these 3 series of plentiful hydrocarbon sources, different hydrocarbon abundance and pore level have been carried out under the guide of multidisciplinary theories, applying various methods and techniques, and 24 migration/accumulation modes have been established. The innovative results and recognition are as follows: 1, The oil/gas migration and accumulation modes for sandstones of moderate, fine grain size and silt in these six paleo depositional environments of shallow lake, fluvial, lacustrine, fluvial-deltaic, turbidite-delta, and salty-semi salty lake have been established. A new view has been put forward that the oil/gas volumetric increment during their migration and accumulation in different porous media of different rocks has similar features and evolution history. 2. During oil/gas migration and accumulation in different grain-sized porous media or different reservoirs, all the volumetric increment had experienced three period of rapid increasing, balanced and slower increasing and limited increasing. The dynamical process of oil/gas secondary migration and accumulation has been expounded. 3 The two new concepts of "source supply abundance" and "source supply intensity" have been proposed for the first time, and the physical simulation for hydrocarbon's migration, accumulation and forming a reservoir has been realized. 4, Source supply abundance is the important factor to control the accumulated volume of oil phase in the porous media. It is impossible to accumulate large amount of hydrocarbon volume in an open boundary system when the source supply abundance is low, i.e. impossible to form reservoirs of high productivity. 5 The above 12 types of physical simulation tests indicated that enough energy (pressure) of the oil sources is the decisive factor to ensure hydrocarbon's entering, flowing and accumulating through porous media, and both oil and gas phase will accumulate into the favorable places nearest to the oil sources. 6 The theory, method and related techniques for physical simulation of hydrocarbon's secondary migration/accumulation mechanism have been formed and applied to the E&P of Shengtuo rollover anticline and Niuzhuang turbidite lithological reservoirs. 7 This study developed the theory and method of hydrocarbon migration/accumulation dynamics in terrestrial rift-subsidence lacustrine basins, and the benefits and social effect are remarkable.







Palavras-Chave #油气运移 #物理模拟 #孔隙介质 #动力学模式
