
Autoria(s): 夏瑜





The coda of seismic waves consists of that part of the signal after the directly arrivials. In a finite medium, or in one that is strongly heterogeneous, the coda is dominated by waves which have repeatedly sampled the medium. Small changes in a medium which may have no detectable influence on the first arrivals are amplified by this repeated sampling and may thus be detectable in the coda. Because of this, coda wave is widely used in detecting micro variations in medium。 In this paper, we give a general view of the theory and application of coda wave, especially coda wave interferometry. We focus on discussing the application of coda wave interferometry on data source of active situ experiment。 First, we apply coda wave interferometry in a short time period situ experiment which last for three days. We also apply the method of coda wave interferometry in a situ experiment which last for one month. Daily circle variations of seismic velocity around the experiment site were obtained, and we also observed that the velocity variations in the experiment site have a significant correlation with the environment factors, including air temperature, barometric pressure, solid earth tide and the level of rainfall. We find that the velocity variation during this period is up to 10-3. The relationship between velocity variation and changes in air temperature, barometric pressure and solid earth tide was analyzed with least square linear fitting .The velocity has no dependence on the air temperature. But velocity has a change of 10-6--10-7 when the barometer or earth tide change per Pa. Generally, we conclude the work and results of previous researchers, and we also display our works and results. We hopes to contribute to the future research of coda wave interferometry.







Palavras-Chave #尾波干涉 #地震波速精确测量 #主动探测 #实验观测系统 #波速日变化
