Synthesized different derivatives of low molecular fucoidan extracted from Laminaria japonica and their potential antioxidant activity in vitro

Autoria(s): Wang, Jing; Wang, Feng; Zhang, Quanbin; Zhang, Zhongshan; Shi, Xuelian; Li, Pengcheng



Six low molecular fucoidan (DFPS) derivatives were synthesized successfully, and their potential antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. All DFPS derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and had stronger antioxidant ability than DFPS in certain tests. The benzoylated DFPS (PHDF) showed strongest scavenging activity on superoxide, hydroxyl and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, however, DFPS exhibited greatest reducing power. Available data suggested that substituted groups of DFPS played an important role on antioxidant activity, and the mechanism on influence the antioxidant activity of samples of substituted group was indicated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Six low molecular fucoidan (DFPS) derivatives were synthesized successfully, and their potential antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. All DFPS derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and had stronger antioxidant ability than DFPS in certain tests. The benzoylated DFPS (PHDF) showed strongest scavenging activity on superoxide, hydroxyl and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, however, DFPS exhibited greatest reducing power. Available data suggested that substituted groups of DFPS played an important role on antioxidant activity, and the mechanism on influence the antioxidant activity of samples of substituted group was indicated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.





Wang, Jing; Wang, Feng; Zhang, Quanbin; Zhang, Zhongshan; Shi, Xuelian; Li, Pengcheng.Synthesized different derivatives of low molecular fucoidan extracted from Laminaria japonica and their potential antioxidant activity in vitro,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2009,44(5):379-384

Palavras-Chave #Biochemistry & Molecular Biology #Low molecular fucoidan #Derivatives #Antioxidant activity
