Isolation, properties and spatial site analysis of gamma subunits of B-phycoerythrin and R-phycoerythrin

Autoria(s): Wang, GG; Zhou, BC; Zeng, CK; Tseng, CK



Polysiphonia urceolata R-phycoerythrin and Porphyridium cruentum B-phycoerythrin were degraded with proteinaseK, and then the nearly native gamma subunits were isolated from the reaction mixture. The process of degradation of phycoerythrin with proteinaseK showed that the gamma subunit is located in the central cavity of (alpha beta)(6) hexamer of phycoerythrin. Comparative analysis of the spectra of the native phycoerythrin, the phycoerythrin at pH 12 and the isolated gamma subunit showed that the absorption peaks of phycoerythrobilins on alpha or beta subunit are at 535 nm (or 545 nm) and 565 nm, the fluorescence emission maximum at 580 nm; the absorption peak of phycoerythrobilins on the isolated gamma subunit is at 589 nm, the fluorescence emission peak at 620 nm which overlaps the absorption maximum of C-phycocyanin and perhaps contributes to the energy transfer with high efficiency between phycoerythrin and phycocyanin in phycobilisome; the absorption maximum of phycourobilin on the isolated gamma subunit is at 498 nm, which is the same as that in native phycoerythrin, and the fluorescence emission maximum at 575 nm.

Polysiphonia urceolata R-phycoerythrin and Porphyridium cruentum B-phycoerythrin were degraded with proteinaseK, and then the nearly native gamma subunits were isolated from the reaction mixture. The process of degradation of phycoerythrin with proteinaseK showed that the gamma subunit is located in the central cavity of (alpha beta)(6) hexamer of phycoerythrin. Comparative analysis of the spectra of the native phycoerythrin, the phycoerythrin at pH 12 and the isolated gamma subunit showed that the absorption peaks of phycoerythrobilins on alpha or beta subunit are at 535 nm (or 545 nm) and 565 nm, the fluorescence emission maximum at 580 nm; the absorption peak of phycoerythrobilins on the isolated gamma subunit is at 589 nm, the fluorescence emission peak at 620 nm which overlaps the absorption maximum of C-phycocyanin and perhaps contributes to the energy transfer with high efficiency between phycoerythrin and phycocyanin in phycobilisome; the absorption maximum of phycourobilin on the isolated gamma subunit is at 498 nm, which is the same as that in native phycoerythrin, and the fluorescence emission maximum at 575 nm.





Wang, GG; Zhou, BC; Zeng, CK; Tseng, CK.Isolation, properties and spatial site analysis of gamma subunits of B-phycoerythrin and R-phycoerythrin,SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES,1998,41(1):9-17

Palavras-Chave #Biology #B-phycoerythrin #R-phycoerythrin #gamma subunit #spectroscopic properties
