cDNA cloning and gene expression pattern following bacterial challenge of peroxinectin in Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis

Autoria(s): Dong, Bo; Liu, Fengsong; Gao, Hongwei; Wang, Bing; Xiang, Jianhai



Peroxinectin, a cell-adhesive hemoperoxidase that binds superoxide dismutase and mediates blood cells adhesion and migration in invertebrate, is believed to play an important role in cellular immune reaction. In this study, we reported a new peroxinectin gene homologue from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Based on expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of haemocyte cDNA library, we cloned a 2,611 bps full-length cDNA of peroxinectin gene homologue encoded 801 amino acids. Motif scanning of the predicted polypeptide revealed a peroxidase domain and an integrin binding motif (Lys-Gly-Asp, KGD). Peroxinectin gene expressed constitutively in haemocyte as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, the expression level varied following bacterial challenge. These findings suggested that peroxinectin expression is susceptible to exterior stimulus and maintains at a high expression level during bacterial infection.

Peroxinectin, a cell-adhesive hemoperoxidase that binds superoxide dismutase and mediates blood cells adhesion and migration in invertebrate, is believed to play an important role in cellular immune reaction. In this study, we reported a new peroxinectin gene homologue from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Based on expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of haemocyte cDNA library, we cloned a 2,611 bps full-length cDNA of peroxinectin gene homologue encoded 801 amino acids. Motif scanning of the predicted polypeptide revealed a peroxidase domain and an integrin binding motif (Lys-Gly-Asp, KGD). Peroxinectin gene expressed constitutively in haemocyte as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, the expression level varied following bacterial challenge. These findings suggested that peroxinectin expression is susceptible to exterior stimulus and maintains at a high expression level during bacterial infection.





Dong, Bo; Liu, Fengsong; Gao, Hongwei; Wang, Bing; Xiang, Jianhai.cDNA cloning and gene expression pattern following bacterial challenge of peroxinectin in Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis,MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS,2009,36(8):2333-2339

Palavras-Chave #Biochemistry & Molecular Biology #Cell adhesion gene #Peroxinectin #Expression pattern #Real-time RT-PCR #Fenneropenaeus chinensis
