Coordination reactions in the extraction of cerium(IV) and fluorine(I) by DEHEHP from mixed nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid solutions

Autoria(s): Zhao JM; Meng SL; Li DQ



The coordination reactions during the solvent extraction of cerium(IV) and fluorine(l) from mixed nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid solutions by di-(2-ethylhexyl)-2-ethylhexylphosphonate, L (DEHEHP) in heptane have been investigated. The extraction data have been analyzed by graphical methods taking into account all plausible species extracted into the organic phase. Different variables influencing the extraction of Ce(IV), such as the concentrations of nitrate ions, hydrofluroric acid, nitric acid, and extractant have been studied. The results demonstrate that DEHEHP can extract not only Ce(NO3)(4) as Ce(NO3)4.2L and HF as HF (.) H2O (.) L, but both together as Ce(HF)(NO3)(4) (.) L. The extraction equilibrium equations are determined according to slope analysis and IR spectra. The equilibrium constants of the extracted complexes have been calculated, taking into account complexation between the metal ion and inorganic ligands in the aqueous phase and all plausible complexes extracted into the organic phase. It is also shown that boric acid, which was added into the mixed solutions to complex with F(I) is not extracted by DEHEHP, and neither does it affect the extraction of cerium(IV) and HF, nor change the extraction mechanism.





Zhao JM;Meng SL;Li DQ.Coordination reactions in the extraction of cerium(IV) and fluorine(I) by DEHEHP from mixed nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid solutions,SOLVENT EXTRACTION AND ION EXCHANGE,2004,22(5 ):813-831

