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本文依据田间试验数据 ,采用Jensen模式 ,研究了黄土旱区冬小麦、春玉米这两种优势作物的—水分模型 .研究结果表明 ,小麦在播种~返青期缺水敏感指数 (λ)最大 ,对缺水最为敏感 ;拔节~抽穗期次之 ,然后是抽穗~灌浆期 ,而灌浆~成熟期和返青~拔节期的敏感性最小 .总耗水量在 32 0~ 42 0mm之间 ,灌水量为 2 6 0~ 30 0mm左右、且分布在冬前和拔节~抽穗期是节水高产高效的灌水模式 .玉米拔节 -抽穗期和抽穗 -灌浆期对缺水最敏感 ,拔节前和灌浆 -成熟期敏感性小 .说明拔节后到抽穗期补水对产量作用最大 ,其次为抽穗 -灌浆期 .这为黄土旱区制定灌溉制度提供了重要理论依据 Based on the field experimental data in this paper,the crop\|water supply strategy for winter wheat and corn in farming land of arid plateau is studied.The results show that,for winter wheat,the water stress sensitivity index in Jensen model during seeding\|greening phase reaches the highest value and reaches the second highest value during booting to heading stage.It changes to the third highest value from heading to filling phase.The most important irrigation for crop production is the irrigation before w... |
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Idioma(s) |
中文 |
Fonte |
梁银丽, 山仑, 康绍忠.黄土旱区作物-水分模型.水利学报,2000,9:86-90 |
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期刊论文 |