Effects of subretinal implant materials on the viability, apoptosis and barrier function of cultured RPE cells

Autoria(s): Wu HJ (Wu Hui-Juan); Li XX (Li Xiao-Xin); Dong JQ (Dong Jian-Qiang); Pei WH (Pei Wei-Hua); Chen HD (Chen Hong-Da)



Background: Subretinal microphotodiode array (MPDA) is a type of visual prosthesis used for the implantation in the subretinal space of patients with progressive photoreceptor cell loss. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of materials for MPDA on the viability, apoptosis and barrier function of cultured pig retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells.Methods: Primary culture of pig RPE cells was performed and 24 pig eyes were used to start RPE culture. The third passage of the cultures was plated on different materials for MPDA and MPDAs. The tetrazolium dye-reduction assay (MTT) was used to determine RPE cell viability. Flow cytometry was measured to indicate the apoptosis rates of RPE cells on different materials. RPE cells were also cultured on microporous filters, and the transepithelial resistance and permeability of the experimental molecule were measured to determine the barrier function.Results: The data from all the methods indicated no significant difference between the materials groups and the control group, and the materials tested showed good biocompatibility.Conclusions: The materials for MPDA used in the present study had no direct toxicity to the RPE cells and did not release harmful soluble factors that affected the barrier function of RPE in vitro.







Wu HJ (Wu Hui-Juan); Li XX (Li Xiao-Xin); Dong JQ (Dong Jian-Qiang); Pei WH (Pei Wei-Hua); Chen HD (Chen Hong-Da) .Effects of subretinal implant materials on the viability, apoptosis and barrier function of cultured RPE cells ,GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY,2007,245(1):135-142

Palavras-Chave #光电子学 #retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) #subretinal microphotodiode array (MPDA) #biocompatibility #primary culture #microporous filter #PIGMENT EPITHELIAL-CELLS #ANNEXIN-V #EXPRESSION #ARPE-19 #LINE
