Crack-free InAlGaN quaternary alloy films grown on Si(111) substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

Autoria(s): Wu, JJ; Li, DB; Lu, Y; Han, XX; Li, JM; Wei, HY; Kang, TT; Wang, XH; Liu, XL; Zhu, QS; Wang, ZG



Crack-free In0.08Al0.25Ga0.67N quaternary films, with and without thick (> 1.5 mum) high-temperature-GaN (HTGaN) interlayer, have been grown on Si(1 1 1) substrates by a low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system. Mole fractions of In and Al in quaternary alloy layers are determined by Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), which are recorded as similar to8% and similar to25-27%, respectively. High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and room temperature photoluminescence (RT-PL) results evidence the film's single crystal structure and the existence of local In- and/or Al-rich regions. Compared with GaN film grwon on Si(1 1 1) substrate, no crack is observed in the quaternary ones. Two explanations are proposed. First, mismatch-induced strain is relaxed significantly due to gradual changes of In concentration. Second, the weak In-N bond is likely to break when the sample is cooled down to the room temperature, which is expected to favor the releasing of thermal stress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.





Wu, JJ; Li, DB; Lu, Y; Han, XX; Li, JM; Wei, HY; Kang, TT; Wang, XH; Liu, XL; Zhu, QS; Wang, ZG .Crack-free InAlGaN quaternary alloy films grown on Si(111) substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition ,JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,DEC 17 2004,273 (1-2):79-85

Palavras-Chave #半导体材料 #cracks
