First-Principles Study of Magnetic Properties of 3d Transition Metals Doped in ZnO Nanowires

Autoria(s): Shi HL; Duan YF



The defect formation energies of transition metals (Cr, Fe, and Ni) doped in the pseudo-H passivated ZnO nanowires and bulk are systematically investigated using first-principles methods. The general chemical trends of the nanowires are similar to those of the bulk. We also show that the formation energy increases as the diameter of the nanowire decreases, indicating that the doping of magnetic ions in the ZnO nanowire becomes more difficult with decreasing diameter. We also systematically calculate the ferromagnetic properties of transition metals doped in the ZnO nanowire and bulk, and find that Cr ions of the nanowire favor ferromagnetic state, which is consistent with the experimental results. We also find that the ferromagnetic coupling state of Cr is more stable in the nanowire than in the bulk, which may lead to a higher T (c) useful for the nano-materials design of spintronics.

National Basic Research Program of China G2009CB929300 National Natural Science Foundation of China 60521001 60776061This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China ( 973 Program) grant No. G2009CB929300 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60521001 and 60776061. Part of the CPU time was performed in Supercomputing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences.





Shi HL ; Duan YF .First-Principles Study of Magnetic Properties of 3d Transition Metals Doped in ZnO Nanowires ,NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS ,2009 ,4(5):480-484

Palavras-Chave #半导体物理 #First-principles #Transition-metals #Formation energies #Nanowires #Magnetism
