Silicon nanopore array structure using porous anodic alumina

Autoria(s): Bai AQ; Hu D; Ding WC; Su SJ; Hu WX; Xue CL; Fan ZC; Cheng BW; Yu YD; Wang QM



A free-standing, bidirectionally permeable and ultra-thin (500-1000 nm) porous anodic alumina membrane was fabricated using a two-step aluminium anodization process, which was then placed on top of a silicon film as an etching mask. The pattern was transferred to silicon using dry-etching technology, and the silicon nanopore array structure was formed. The factors which afflct the pattern transfer process are discussed. Observation of the nanopatterned sample under a scanning electron microscope shows that the structure obtained by this method is made up of uniform and highly ordered holes, which attains to 125 nm depth. The photoluminescence spectrum from the nanopatterned sample,the surface of which has been thermal-oxidized, shows that the the luminesce is evidently enhanced, the mechanism of which is based on the normally weak TO phonon assisted bandgap light-emission process, and the physical reasons that underlic the enhancement have been analyzed. The PL results do show an attractive optical characteristic, which provides a promising pathway to achieve efficient light emission from silicon.

Major State Basic Research Program of China 2007CB613404 National High Technology Research and Development Program of China 2006AA03Z415 National Natural Science Foundation of China 60676005





Bai AQ ; Hu D ; Ding WC ; Su SJ ; Hu WX ; Xue CL ; Fan ZC ; Cheng BW ; Yu YD ; Wang QM .Silicon nanopore array structure using porous anodic alumina ,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2009 ,58(7):4997-5001

Palavras-Chave #半导体物理 #porous anodic alumina mask #silicon nanopore array structure #pattern transfer
