Zebraflsh z-otu, a novel Otu and Tudor domain-containing gene, is expressed in early stages of oogenesis and embryogenesis

Autoria(s): Mo, SJ; Song, P; Lv, DY; Chen, YG; Zhou, W; Gong, WM; Zhu, ZY



Several studies have suggested that Otu domain had de-ubiquitinating activity and Tudor domain was important for the formation of germ cells. Here, we reported a novel zebrafish ovary-specific gene containing Otu and Tudor domain, z-otu, which was expressed at stages I-III oocytes and embryonic stages from zygotes to early blastula during embryonic cells maintained their totipotency. Therefore, z-otu might link the ubiquitin signaling pathway to early oogenesis and maintaining the totipotency of embryonic cell. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Several studies have suggested that Otu domain had de-ubiquitinating activity and Tudor domain was important for the formation of germ cells. Here, we reported a novel zebrafish ovary-specific gene containing Otu and Tudor domain, z-otu, which was expressed at stages I-III oocytes and embryonic stages from zygotes to early blastula during embryonic cells maintained their totipotency. Therefore, z-otu might link the ubiquitin signaling pathway to early oogenesis and maintaining the totipotency of embryonic cell. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.







Saijun Mo; Ping Song; Daoyuan Lv; Yungui Chen; Wei Zhou; Wuming Gong; Zuoyan Zhu.Zebraflsh z-otu, a novel Otu and Tudor domain-containing gene, is expressed in early stages of oogenesis and embryogenesis,BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION,2005,1732(1-3):1-7

Palavras-Chave #Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Biophysics #z-otu #Otu domain #Tudor domain #oogenesis #embryogenesis #zebrafish
