Report on Lake Wamala fisheries catch assessment survey 2012

Autoria(s): National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI)



Lake Wamala is one of the small lakes in Uganda, and lies between latitudes 0o 15; and 0o 25' N 31o 45' to longitude 32o 00' E, longitude and at an altitude of 1000m above sea level. Following ths 1961 heavy rains the lake expanded from about 100 to 118 sq. km and the swamps covered almost 60 sq km (Okaranon 1993). This lake was first stocked with Oreohromis niloticus eduardianus populary known as Oreohromis niloticus then Oreochromis leucostictus and then Tilapia zillii then after that it was officially opened for commercial fishing in 1960. Despite of the commercial fishery there used to be subsistance fishing that was mainly by the use of wires and hooks and targeted the Clarias and Protopterus species. The lake fishery used to be highly profitable after the opening in 1960; though in 1970s the fishers started complaining of the declining state of the fishery. At that time the O. niloticus had gone down to less than 1 kg per net per night by 1975 (Okaranon 1993). Due to it led to scientists undertake fisheries surveys in 1975/78 and later 1988/92 then later on there subsquent survey in 2003. Since that time there has been no work done until March 2012 that both catch assessment and frame surveys undertaken to ensure that management issues are addressed concerning this riparian water body. The main objectives of the survey were:- To assess fish production levels in the commercial fisheries of Lake Wamala (Catch Assessment). To assess the fishing effort and facilities available at the fish landings that supports the fisher folks.




Catch Assessment Survey Research Scientists Team. (2012) Report on Lake Wamala fisheries catch assessment survey 2012. Jinja, Uganda, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), 23pp.




National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI)


Palavras-Chave #Fisheries

Monograph or Serial Issue
