Erizainaren rola dolu perinatalean
Contribuinte(s) |
San Millán de Clascá, Jaione E.U. ENFERMERIA -LEIOA LEIOAKO ERIZAINTZAKO U.E. Grado en Enfermería Erizaintzako Gradua |
Data(s) |
Resumo |
[EUS]Helburua: Deskribatu erditze gelan erizainak duen rola heriotza perinatalak gurasoengan dakarren lehen uneko doluan, horretarako erizainak burutu beharko dituen jarrera eta ekintzak identifikatuz. Metodologia: Errebisio bibliografiko hau burutzeko Pubmed, Cochrane eta Elsevier data baseetatik jasotako lan ugariren analisia egin da, emaitzak jasotzeko zehazki 18 lan aztertu izan direlarik, beti ere kontuan hartuz aztertzen ari zen lanaren mota eta bakoitzaren kalitate zientifikoa, emaitzen limitazioak ezagutu ahal izateko. Ondorioak: Kontuan hartuz gaur egun gai honen inguruko ikerketa kopurua eskasa dela, planteatu izan den egoeran erizain batek jarraitu beharreko jarrerak eta burutu beharreko zeregite nagusi eta egokienak zehaztu ahal izan dira. Horretaz gain, ikusi da nola osasun profesionalen lana hobetu ahal izateko aukera egokiena arlo honetako formakuntza sustatzea eta egoera honetan erizainaren rola zein den zehaztuko lukeen gida bateratu bat sortzea den. [EN]Objective:To describe the role of the nurse in the grief which perinatal death creates on parents in the first moment at the delivery room, identifying the attitudes and acts that the nurse will have to carry out. Methodology: To make this literature review, works from the Data Bases Pubmed, Cochrane and Elsevier have been obtained, based exactly on 18 articles to reach the results and always taking into account the type and the scientific quality of works that have been explored, so that the limitations of the results are known. Conclusions: Keeping in mind that the number of studies in this area is weak, there have been specified the main and most appropriate attitudes and actions to be followed by a nurse in this situation. In addition, it has been verified how the best option to improve health professionals' work can be promote the training in this field and create a unified guide which specifies the role of the nurse in this situation. |
Identificador | 22606-656724 |
Idioma(s) |
eus es |
Direitos |
© 2015 Pradera Sangróniz Uxue info:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces |
Palavras-Chave | #galera perinatala #heriotza perinatala #dolu perinatala #laguntza #gomendioak |
Tipo |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis |