Smooth Banach spaces and approximations

Autoria(s): Wells, John Campbell



<p>If E and F are real Banach spaces let C<sup>p,q</sup>(E, F) O ≤ q ≤ p ≤ ∞, denote those maps from E to F which have p continuous Frechet derivatives of which the first q derivatives are bounded. A Banach space E is defined to be C<sup>p,q</sup> smooth if C<sup>p,q</sup>(E,R) contains a nonzero function with bounded support. This generalizes the standard C<sup>p</sup> smoothness classification.</p> <p>If an L<sup>p</sup> space, p ≥ 1, is C<sup>q</sup> smooth then it is also C<sup>q,q</sup> smooth so that in particular L<sup>p</sup> for p an even integer is C<sup>∞,∞</sup> smooth and L<sup>p</sup> for p an odd integer is C<sup>p-1,p-1</sup> smooth. In general, however, a C<sup>p</sup> smooth B-space need not be C<sup>p,p</sup> smooth. C<sub>o</sub> is shown to be a non-C<sup>2,2</sup> smooth B-space although it is known to be C<sup>∞</sup> smooth. It is proved that if E is C<sup>p,1</sup> smooth then C<sub>o</sub>(E) is C<sup>p,1</sup> smooth and if E has an equivalent C<sup>p</sup> norm then c<sub>o</sub>(E) has an equivalent C<sup>p</sup> norm.</p> <p>Various consequences of C<sup>p,q</sup> smoothness are studied. If f ϵ C<sup>p,q</sup>(E,F), if F is C<sup>p,q</sup> smooth and if E is non-C<sup>p,q</sup> smooth, then the image under f of the boundary of any bounded open subset U of E is dense in the image of U. If E is separable then E is C<sup>p,q</sup> smooth if and only if E admits C<sup>p,q</sup> partitions of unity; E is C<sup>p,p</sup>smooth, p ˂∞, if and only if every closed subset of E is the zero set of some C<sup>P</sup> function. </p> <p>f ϵ C<sup>q</sup>(E,F), 0 ≤ q ≤ p ≤ ∞, is said to be C<sub>p,q</sub> approximable on a subset U of E if for any ϵ ˃ 0 there exists a g ϵ C<sup>p</sup>(E,F) satisfying</p> <p>sup/xϵU, O≤k≤q ‖ D<sup>k</sup> f(x) - D<sup>k</sup> g(x) ‖ ≤ ϵ. </p> <p>It is shown that if E is separable and C<sup>p,q</sup> smooth and if f ϵ C<sup>q</sup>(E,F) is C<sub>p,q</sub> approximable on some neighborhood of every point of E, then F is C<sub>p,q</sub> approximable on all of E.</p> <p>In general it is unknown whether an arbitrary function in C<sup>1</sup>(<i>l</i><sup>2</sup>, R) is C<sub>2,1</sub> approximable and an example of a function in C<sup>1</sup>(<i>l</i><sup>2</sup>, R) which may not be C<sub>2,1</sub> approximable is given. A weak form of C<sub>∞,q</sub>, q≥1, to functions in C<sup>q</sup>(<i>l</i><sup>2</sup>, R) is proved: Let {U<sub>α</sub>} be a locally finite cover of <i>l</i><sup>2</sup> and let {T<sub>α</sub>} be a corresponding collection of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on <i>l</i><sup>2</sup>. Then for any f ϵ C<sup>q</sup>(<i>l</i><sup>2</sup>,F) such that for all α</p> <p>sup ‖ D<sup>k</sup>(f(x)-g(x))[T<sub>α</sub>h]‖ ≤ 1.</p> <p>xϵU<sub>α</sub>,‖h‖≤1, 0≤k≤q</p>




Wells, John Campbell (1969) Smooth Banach spaces and approximations. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. <>



