Nucleon structure functions from ν_µ-Fe interactions and a study of the valence quark distribution

Autoria(s): Purohit, Milind Vasant



<p>Data were taken in 1979-80 by the CCFRR high energy neutrino experiment at Fermilab. A total of 150,000 neutrino and 23,000 antineutrino charged current events in the approximate energy range 25 < E_v < 250GeV are measured and analyzed. The structure functions F2 and xF_3 are extracted for three assumptions about σ_L/σ_T:R=0., R=0.1 and R= a QCD based expression. Systematic errors are estimated and their significance is discussed. Comparisons or the X and Q^2 behaviour or the structure functions with results from other experiments are made. </p> <p>We find that statistical errors currently dominate our knowledge of the valence quark distribution, which is studied in this thesis. xF_3 from different experiments has, within errors and apart from level differences, the same dependence on x and Q^2, except for the HPWF results. The CDHS F_2 shows a clear fall-off at low-x from the CCFRR and EMC results, again apart from level differences which are calculable from cross-sections. </p> <p>The result for the the GLS rule is found to be 2.83±.15±.09±.10 where the first error is statistical, the second is an overall level error and the third covers the rest of the systematic errors. QCD studies of xF_3 to leading and second order have been done. The QCD evolution of xF_3, which is independent of R and the strange sea, does not depend on the gluon distribution and fits yield</p> <p>ʌ_(LO) = 88^(+163)_(-78) ^(+113)_(-70) MeV</p> <p>The systematic errors are smaller than the statistical errors. Second order fits give somewhat different values of ʌ, although α_s (at Q^2_0 = 12.6 GeV^2) is not so different. </p> <p>A fit using the better determined F_2 in place of xF_3 for x > 0.4 i.e., assuming q = 0 in that region, gives</p> <p>ʌ_(LO) = 266^(+114)_(-104) ^(+85)_(-79) MeV</p> <p>Again, the statistical errors are larger than the systematic errors. An attempt to measure R was made and the measurements are described. Utilizing the inequality q(x)≥0 we find that in the region x > .4 R is less than 0.55 at the 90% confidence level. </p>




Purohit, Milind Vasant (1984) Nucleon structure functions from ν_µ-Fe interactions and a study of the valence quark distribution. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. <>



