Getting a kick out of it: multimodal signalling during male–male encounters in the foot-flagging frog Micrixalus aff. saxicola from the Western Ghats of India

Autoria(s): Preininger, Doris; Stiegler, Michael J; Gururaja, KV; Vijayakumar, SP; Torsekar, Varun R; Sztatecsny, Marc; Hödl, Walter



Several anuran species use multimodal signals to communicate in diverse social contexts. Our study describes acoustic and visual behaviours of the Small Torrent Frog (Micrixalus aff. saxicola), a diurnal frog endemic to the Western Ghats of India. During agonistic interactions males display advertisement calls, foot-flagging and tapping (foot lifting) behaviours to signal the readiness to defend perching sites in perennial streams. Results from a quantitative video analysis of male–male interactions indicate that footflagging displays were used as directional signals toward the opponent male, but were less abundant than calls. The acoustic and visual signals were not functionally linked. The call of Micrixalus aff. saxicola thereby did not act as an alert signal. Analysis of behavioural transitions revealed that kicking behaviours (physical attacks) significantly elicited kicks from interacting males. We suggest that foot-flagging displays ritualized from this frequently observed fighting technique to reduce physical attacks.




Preininger, Doris and Stiegler, Michael J and Gururaja, KV and Vijayakumar, SP and Torsekar, Varun R and Sztatecsny, Marc and Hödl, Walter (2013) Getting a kick out of it: multimodal signalling during male–male encounters in the foot-flagging frog Micrixalus aff. saxicola from the Western Ghats of India. In: Current Science, 105 (12). pp. 1735-1740.


Indian Academy of Sciences


Palavras-Chave #Biochemistry #Centre for Ecological Sciences #Centre for Neuroscience #Molecular Biophysics Unit #Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics (formed by the merger of DBGL and CRBME)

Journal Article
