A differential-geometric analysis of singularities of point trajectories of serial and parallel manipulators

Autoria(s): Ghosal, Ashitava; Ravani, Bahram



In this paper, we present a differential-geometric approach to analyze the singularities of task space point trajectories of two and three-degree-of-freedom serial and parallel manipulators. At non-singular configurations, the first-order, local properties are characterized by metric coefficients, and, geometrically, by the shape and size of a velocity ellipse or an ellipsoid. At singular configurations, the determinant of the matrix of metric coefficients is zero and the velocity ellipsoid degenerates to an ellipse, a line or a point, and the area or the volume of the velocity ellipse or ellipsoid becomes zero. The degeneracies of the velocity ellipsoid or ellipse gives a simple geometric picture of the possible task space velocities at a singular configuration. To study the second-order properties at a singularity, we use the derivatives of the metric coefficients and the rate of change of area or volume. The derivatives are shown to be related to the possible task space accelerations at a singular configuration. In the case of parallel manipulators, singularities may lead to either loss or gain of one or more degrees-of-freedom. For loss of one or more degrees-of-freedom, ther possible velocities and accelerations are again obtained from a modified metric and derivatives of the metric coefficients. In the case of a gain of one or more degrees-of-freedom, the possible task space velocities can be pictured as growth to lines, ellipses, and ellipsoids. The theoretical results are illustrated with the help of a general spatial 2R manipulator and a three-degree-of-freedom RPSSPR-SPR parallel manipulator.





Ghosal, Ashitava and Ravani, Bahram (2001) A differential-geometric analysis of singularities of point trajectories of serial and parallel manipulators. In: Journal of Mechanical Design, 123 (1). pp. 80-89.


The American Society of Mechanical Engineers




Palavras-Chave #Mechanical Engineering

Journal Article
