Käännösten historia, kirjallisuushistoria, kulttuurihistoria

Autoria(s): Riikonen, H. K.



Abstract (The history of translations, the history of literature, the history of culture): The article first introduces the extensive exhibition catalogue published in Marbach in 1982, which illustrates the wideranging interest for translations during the epoch of Goethe, and secondly it gives an overview of research on the history of translations conducted in Finland. Furthermore, the relevance of the history of translations both for the history of literature and for the history of culture is discussed. The history of literature is interpreted in terms of four various forms: the history of culture and the history of ideas, or as a part of them; the history of the literary field, or as the history of the change of this field (the sociology of literature); the history of different styles; and as the history of individual authors. In all these fields, translations represent interesting research material: they function as clear indicators of various phenomena in the history of literature. In the history of translation, translators are also highlighted as profound but often forgotten individuals with cultural impact. At the end of the article, a brief case study is presented with focus on a new interest in Spanish literature in 19th century Finland, with a background in the German Romanticism and its interest for Spain.







Helsingin yliopisto, Suomen kielen, suomalais-ugrilaisten ja pohjoismaisten kielten ja kirjallisuuksien laitos


Acta Translatologica Helsingiensia Vol. 1


© 2010 Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen och författaren


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