Relative ranking: A biased rating

Autoria(s): Usmani, Zeeshan-ul-hassan; Alghamdi, Fawzi Abdulkhaliq; Tariq, Amina; Puri, Talal Naveed

Sobh, Tarek




Reviewers' ratings have become one of the most influential parameters when making a decision to purchase or rent the products or services from the online vendors. Star Rating system is the de-facto standard for rating a product. It is regarded as one of the most visually appealing rating systems that directly interact with the consumers; helping them find products they will like to purchase as well as register their views on the product. It offers visual advantage to pick the popular or most rated product. Any system that is not as appealing as star system will have a chance of rejection by online business community. This paper argues that, the visual advantage is not enough to declare star rating system as a triumphant, the success of a ranking system should be measured by how effectively the system helps customers make decisions that they, retrospectively, consider correct. This paper argues and suggests a novel approach of Relative Ranking within the boundaries of star rating system to overcome a few inherent disadvantages the former system comes with. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010.



Springer Netherlands



Usmani, Zeeshan-ul-hassan, Alghamdi, Fawzi Abdulkhaliq, Tariq, Amina, & Puri, Talal Naveed (2010) Relative ranking: A biased rating. In Sobh, Tarek (Ed.) Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering. Springer Netherlands, New York, pp. 25-29.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Public Health & Social Work


Book Chapter