A pilot education on heart failure self-management and introduction of the teach-back method to cardiac nurses in Vietnam

Autoria(s): Thuy, Ha Dinh Thi; Bonner, Ann; Ramsbotham, Joanne; Clark, Robyn.



It is recognised that patients with chronic disease are unable to remembercorrectly information provided by health care profesionals. The teach-back method is acknowledgedas a technique to improve patients’ understanding. Yet it is not used in nursing practice in Vietnam. Objectives This study sought to examine knowledge background of heart failure among cardiac nurses, introduce a education about heart failure self-management and the teach-back method to assist teaching patients on self-care. The study also wanted to explore if a short education could benefit nurses’ knowledge so they would be qualified to deliver education to patients. Methods A pre/post-test design was employed. Cardiac nurses from 3 hospitals (Vietnam National Heart Institute, E Hospital, Huu Nghi Hospital) were invited to attend a six-hour educational session which covered both the teach-back method and heart failure self-management. Role-play with scenarios were used to reinforce educational contents. The Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale was used to assess nurses’ knowledge of heart failure at baseline and after the educational session. Results 20 nurses from3 selected hospitals participated. Average age was 34.5±7.9 years and years of nursing experience was 11.6±8.3. Heart failure knowledge score at the baseline was 12.7±1.2 and post education was 13.8±1.0. There was deficiency of nurses knowledge regarding fluid restriction among heart failure people, causes of worsening heart failure. Heart failure knowledge improved significantly following the workshop (p < 0.001). All nurses achieved an overall adequate knowledge score (≥11 of the maximum 15) at the end. 100% of nurses agreed that the teach-back method was effective and could be used to educate patients about heart failure self-management. Conclusions The results of this study have shown the effectiveness of the piloteducaiton in increasing nurses’ knowledge of heart failure. The teach-back method is accepted for Vietnamese nurses to use in routine cardiac practice.




Ministry of Health, Vietnam



Thuy, Ha Dinh Thi, Bonner, Ann, Ramsbotham, Joanne, & Clark, Robyn. (2015) A pilot education on heart failure self-management and introduction of the teach-back method to cardiac nurses in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy, 8(2), pp. 1-10.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Nursing

Palavras-Chave #111099 Nursing not elsewhere classified #Teach-back method, #heart failure, #cardiac nurse, #self-management

Journal Article