Access To Justice In The ASEAN The Key Role Of UNCITRAL

Autoria(s): Chapman, Diane; Raj, Prishika; Mason, Rosalind; Butler, Petra; Castle, Tim



UNCITRAL’s operation as a subsidiary of the UN General Assembly, tasked to unify and harmonise international trade law is a necessary and indispensable element of the UN’s mandate to maintain international peace and security. Strong legal frameworks which are compatible with those of international trading partners often accompany accelerated growth in economic capacity and stability. Over time, access to markets and resultant growth in economic and human development creates a disincentive for instability as incomes and standards of living rise. Human and economic development, facilitated by a modernised and just legal framework that is available to the broadest range of recipients goes hand in hand with the maintenance of domestic and regional peace, particularly in regions such as the ASEAN , one of the fastest growing in the world covering approximately 30% of global population and with a number of strong global economic neighbours including Japan, Korea, China (to the north), Australia (to the south) and Singapore (to the west). In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability of government, enterprise and individuals to participate in the global supply chain offers opportunities for economic growth and development. Over its almost 50 years of operations, UNCITRAL has produced a range of important texts that are designed to underpin world trade. A key implicit assumption underpinning the development of UNCITRAL texts is that the texts, once adopted can and will be applied in adopting states.







Chapman, Diane, Raj, Prishika, Mason, Rosalind, Butler, Petra, & Castle, Tim (2015) Access To Justice In The ASEAN The Key Role Of UNCITRAL. UNICITRAL, Korea. [Working Paper]


Copyright 2015 UNICITRAL


Commercial & Property Law Research Centre; Faculty of Law; School of Law

Palavras-Chave #180100 LAW #180117 International Trade Law #International Trade Law #Cross-Border Insolvency #Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) #Access to Justice

Working Paper