Understanding coal seam gas associated water, regulations and strategies for treatment

Autoria(s): Rebello, Chantelle A.; Couperthwaite, Sara J.; Millar, Graeme J.; Dawes, Les A.



The coal seam gas (CSG) industry is globally of potentially great importance economically. This study exemplifies the complex relationship between land use and management, groundwater impact and associated water treatment especially in relation to Queensland where a significant increase in the amount of gas extracted over the past 6 years has occurred. In order to effectively manage the environmental impact of the CSG industry it is necessary to appropriately understand the nature of the gas deposits, methods for gas collection, the physicochemical composition of the by-product associated water and the technologies available for water remediation. Australia is mainly considered arid and semi-arid and thus there is a need to not only beneficially reuse water resources but also protect existing ground water reservoirs such as the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). This paper focussed primarily on the Surat Basin located in Queensland and northern New South Wales. The mechanism for CSG formation, relation to local geological features, extraction approach and the potential impact/benefits of associated water was discussed. An outline of the current legislative requirements on physical and chemical properties of associated water in the Surat Basin was also provided, as well as the current treatment technologies used by the major CSG companies. This review was of significance in relation to the formulation of the most appropriate and cost effective management of associated water, while simultaneously preserving existing water resources and the environment.










Rebello, Chantelle A., Couperthwaite, Sara J., Millar, Graeme J., & Dawes, Les A. (2016) Understanding coal seam gas associated water, regulations and strategies for treatment. Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas, 13, pp. 32-43.


Copyright 2016 Elsevier

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution; Non-Commercial; No-Derivatives 4.0 International. DOI: 10.1016/j.juogr.2015.11.001


School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; School of Earth, Environmental & Biological Sciences; Institute for Future Environments; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #090410 Water Treatment Processes #coal seam gas #associated water #environmental management #beneficial reuse #regulations

Journal Article