Situated interfaces for engaging citizens on the go

Autoria(s): Hespanhol, Luke; Tomitsch, Martin; McArthur, Ian; Fredericks, Joel; Schroeter, Ronald; Foth, Marcus



Insights Live screening and playfulness of the interactive space can be effective strategies for attracting the attention of passers-by and turn them into active participants. While urban screen interfaces increase participation by encouraging group interaction, privately-oriented tangible user interfaces give people a longer time to reflect upon their answers.





ACM Special Interest Group



Hespanhol, Luke, Tomitsch, Martin, McArthur, Ian, Fredericks, Joel, Schroeter, Ronald, & Foth, Marcus (2016) Situated interfaces for engaging citizens on the go. Interactions (New York): experiences, people, technology, 23(1), pp. 40-45.

HENRY HALLORAN TRUST/Research Grant RC 51011 PC R5954


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School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080504 Ubiquitous Computing #080602 Computer-Human Interaction #080709 Social and Community Informatics #120199 Architecture not elsewhere classified #120304 Digital and Interaction Design #120508 Urban Design #190205 Interactive Media #urban informatics #community engagement #pervasive displays #media architecture #urban interaction design #urban IxD #urban screens #public displays #interaction design #human-computer interaction #polling #civic engagement #voting

Journal Article