Curriculum reform in testing and accountability contexts

Autoria(s): Klenowski, Valentina; Carter, Merilyn Gladys

Wyse, Dominic

Hayward, Louise

Pandya, Jessica




Recent international educational developments have important implications for the skills and understandings in curriculum and assessment that teachers develop, both in pre-service and in practice. Global developments in curriculum and assessment reform require teachers to utilise a network of knowledges and develop a repertoire of assessment skills and understandings. In a context of testing, accountability and auditing, data analysis skills are increasingly required to examine pedagogic practices for the development of intervention teaching and learning strategies to improve learning outcomes for all students (Marsh, 2009). However, too often the data are used predominantly for accountability purposes that serve at national levels as a catalyst for measurement, comparison and allocation of funding (Lingard and Sellar, 2013). With increased accountability demands brought about by global competitiveness and programs for international measurement of educational attainment, there has also emerged an increase in the use of testing, which in some countries has become the dominant form of assessment. For example in Australia, national testing of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 began in 2008 under the National Australia Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The results from this program for each school are published on the My School website (, increasing the competitive nature of the testing and intensifying the demands on teachers and schools. In particular, there has been a shift in the enacted curriculum in Australia to a focus on literacy and numeracy because the curriculum is tested.





SAGE Publications Ltd.


Klenowski, Valentina & Carter, Merilyn Gladys (2015) Curriculum reform in testing and accountability contexts. In Wyse, Dominic, Hayward, Louise, & Pandya, Jessica (Eds.) SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. SAGE Publications Ltd., Los Angeles, pp. 790-804.


Copyright 2015 SAGE Publications Ltd.


School of Cultural & Professional Learning; School of Curriculum; Faculty of Education

Palavras-Chave #130299 Curriculum and Pedagogy not elsewhere classified #curriculum #testing #accountability

Book Chapter