An embodied everyday peace in the midst of violence

Autoria(s): Berents, Helen



Orthodox notions of peace built on liberal institutionalism have been critiqued for their lack of attention to the local and the people who populate these structures. The concept of an ‘everyday peace’ seeks to take into account the agency and activity of those frequently marginalised or excluded and use these experiences as the basis for a more responsive way of understanding peace. Further, reconceptualising and complicating a notion of ‘everyday peace’ as embodied recognises marginalised people as competent commentators and observers of their world, and capable of engaging with the practices, routines and radical events that shape their everyday resistances and peacebuilding. Peace, in this imagining, is not abstract, but built through everyday practices amidst violence. Young people, in particular, are often marginalised or rendered passive in discussions of the violences that affect them. In recognising this limited engagement, this paper responds through drawing on fieldwork conducted with conflict-affected young people in a peri-urban barrio community near Colombia’s capital Bogota to forward a notion of an embodied everyday peace. This involves exploring the presence and voices of young people as stakeholders in a negotiation of what it means to build peace within daily experience in the context of local and broader violence and marginalisation. By centring young people’s understandings of and contributions within the everyday, this paper responds to the inadequacies of liberal peacebuilding narratives, and forwards a more complex rendering of everyday peace as embodied.





Taylor & Francis Ltd.



Berents, Helen (2015) An embodied everyday peace in the midst of violence. Peacebuilding, 3(2), pp. 1-14.


Copyright 2015 Taylor & Francis

The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Peacebuilding, 07 August 2015,


Faculty of Law; School of Justice

Palavras-Chave #160600 POLITICAL SCIENCE #peacebuilding #everyday peace #youth #colombia #social exclusion #liberal peace

Journal Article