Insolvency academics contributing to the review of insolvency laws: An Australian perspective

Autoria(s): Mason, Rosalind F.



Introduction 1 It gives me great pleasure to contribute to this publication to honour Professor Ian Fletcher on his retirement as Foundation Chair of the INSOL International Academic Group. A collection of essays that include topics on domestic, cross-border and international insolvency appropriately reflects the breadth of Professor Fletcher’s impact on the scholarship of insolvency law – not only in his “home” jurisdiction of England and Wales and closer to home in Europe, but also stretching around the globe, in this case, to Australia. 2 In the early 1990s when I first began to research in the area of cross-border insolvency law, a colleague mentioned that they had recently attended the XIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law in Montreal in August 1990 and heard the Cross-border Insolvency: General Report expertly delivered by an English academic, Ian Fletcher, who was widely regarded as an authority in the area. This was my first introduction to Professor Fletcher’s work and over the intervening years I have referred often to his scholarship....



Nottingham : Centre for Business and Insolvency Law, Nottingham Law School


Mason, Rosalind F. (2015) Insolvency academics contributing to the review of insolvency laws: An Australian perspective. Nottingham Business and Insolvency Law e-journal, 3, pp. 263-283.


Copyright 2015 Open access


Commercial & Property Law Research Centre; Faculty of Law; School of Law

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