pH testing for detecting the position of nasogastric tubes in adults and children (Intervention Protocol)

Autoria(s): Sheilds, Linda; Allgar, Victoria; Arabiat, Diana H; El-Habbal, Magdi; Elliott, Barbara; Greenman, John; Hall, Jenny; Imrie, Cameron; Kalia, Sanjeev; Wadhawan, Jay



This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: Our objective is to determine if there is sufficient evidence to recommend the use of pH testing (the intervention under scrutiny) for verification of correct placement of nasogastric tubes in adults and children. To this end, we will attempt to answer the following questions: 1. In adults and children, is pH testing an effective and safe method for determining whether nasogastric tubes are correctly positioned in the stomach before feeding (or delivery of any fluid) begins? 2. What evidence is there about the risk of adverse events in the case of incorrect placement? For this review, pH testing is defined as: litmus paper, pH indicator test strips, pH meters. These will be tested against other methods used for detecting placement of nasogastric tubes, including visual examination of aspirate, auscultation with insufflation of air, detection of air bubbles in a bowl of water, X-ray, ultrasonography, endoscopy, enzyme analysis of aspirate, capnography, and other methods that do not rely on measurement of pH.





John Wiley & Sons



Sheilds, Linda, Allgar, Victoria, Arabiat, Diana H, El-Habbal, Magdi, Elliott, Barbara, Greenman, John, Hall, Jenny, Imrie, Cameron, Kalia, Sanjeev, & Wadhawan, Jay (2009) pH testing for detecting the position of nasogastric tubes in adults and children (Intervention Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.


John Wiley & Sons


Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support


Journal Article