Robotic detection and tracking of Crown-Of-Thorns starfish

Autoria(s): Dayoub, Feras; Dunbabin, Matthew; Corke, Peter



This paper presents a novel vision-based underwater robotic system for the identification and control of Crown-Of-Thorns starfish (COTS) in coral reef environments. COTS have been identified as one of the most significant threats to Australia's Great Barrier Reef. These starfish literally eat coral, impacting large areas of reef and the marine ecosystem that depends on it. Evidence has suggested that land-based nutrient runoff has accelerated recent outbreaks of COTS requiring extensive use of divers to manually inject biological agents into the starfish in an attempt to control population numbers. Facilitating this control program using robotics is the goal of our research. In this paper we introduce a vision-based COTS detection and tracking system based on a Random Forest Classifier (RFC) trained on images from underwater footage. To track COTS with a moving camera, we embed the RFC in a particle filter detector and tracker where the predicted class probability of the RFC is used as an observation probability to weight the particles, and we use a sparse optical flow estimation for the prediction step of the filter. The system is experimentally evaluated in a realistic laboratory setup using a robotic arm that moves a camera at different speeds and heights over a range of real-size images of COTS in a reef environment.





Dayoub, Feras, Dunbabin, Matthew, & Corke, Peter (2015) Robotic detection and tracking of Crown-Of-Thorns starfish. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 28 September - 02 October 2015, Hamburg, Germany.


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ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Faculty of Science and Technology; Institute for Future Environments

Palavras-Chave #080104 Computer Vision #090602 Control Systems Robotics and Automation #170203 Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning #Crown-Of-Thorns starfish #particle filter #random forest classifier #marine robotics

Conference Paper