Diffusion imaging protocol effects on genetic associations

Autoria(s): Jahanshad, N.; Kohannim, O.; Toga, A. W.; McMahon, K. L.; de Zubicaray, G. I.; Hansell, N. K.; Montgomery, G. W.; Martin, N. G.; Wright, M. J.; Thompson, P. M.



Large multi-site image-analysis studies have successfully discovered genetic variants that affect brain structure in tens of thousands of subjects scanned worldwide. Candidate genes have also associated with brain integrity, measured using fractional anisotropy in diffusion tensor images (DTI). To evaluate the heritability and robustness of DTI measures as a target for genetic analysis, we compared 417 twins and siblings scanned on the same day on the same high field scanner (4-Tesla) with two protocols: (1) 94-directions; 2mm-thick slices, (2) 27-directions; 5mm-thickness. Using mean FA in white matter ROIs and FA skeletons derived using FSL, we (1) examined differences in voxelwise means, variances, and correlations among the measures; and (2) assessed heritability with structural equation models, using the classical twin design. FA measures from the genu of the corpus callosum were highly heritable, regardless of protocol. Genome-wide analysis of the genu mean FA revealed differences across protocols in the top associations.





Jahanshad, N., Kohannim, O., Toga, A. W., McMahon, K. L., de Zubicaray, G. I., Hansell, N. K., Montgomery, G. W., Martin, N. G., Wright, M. J., & Thompson, P. M. (2012) Diffusion imaging protocol effects on genetic associations. In 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging : From Nano to Macro : Proceedings : May 2-5, 2012, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 944-947.


Copyright 2012 IEEE


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation

Palavras-Chave #corpus callosum #DTI protocol stability #genome-wide association study #imaging genetics #multi-site analysis

Conference Paper