The dual nature of information systems in enabling a new wave of hardware ventures: Towards a theory

Autoria(s): von Briel, Frederik; Recker, Jan



Hardware ventures are emerging entrepreneurial firms that create new market offerings based on development of digital devices. These ventures are important elements in the global economy but have not yet received much attention in the literature. Our interest in examining hardware ventures is specifically in the role that information system (IS) resources play in enabling them. We ask how the role of IS resources for hardware ventures can be conceptualized and develop a framework for assessment. Our framework builds on the distinction of operand and operant resources and distinguishes between two key lifecycle stages of hardware ventures: start-up and growth. We show how this framework can be used to discuss the role, nature, and use of IS for hardware ventures and outline empirical research strategies that flow from it. Our work contributes to broadening and enriching the IS field by drawing attention to its role in significant and novel phenomena.





von Briel, Frederik & Recker, Jan (2016) The dual nature of information systems in enabling a new wave of hardware ventures: Towards a theory. In 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016), 5-8 January 2016, Grand Hyatt, Kauai, Hawaii.


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School of Information Systems; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #150302 Business Information Systems #150304 Entrepreneurship #150307 Innovation and Technology Management #Hardware Ventures #Service-dominant Logic #Innovation #Information systems #Resource Orchestration

Conference Paper