Representing places never visited: Landscape and the diasporic imagination

Autoria(s): Pedersen, Courtney

Garnons-Williams, Victoria




While landscape photography’s complicity with the colonial possession of new territory has been substantially discussed and well understood, this paper considers the role of the European landscape as the focus of diasporic desire. The interdisciplinary project, S2Q/Good Blood began as a social history map of Scandinavian and Nordic migration to Queensland in the nineteenth century, incorporating archival material from local collections with visual field trip data gathered in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. In 2011, some of this material found its way into the installation work, 'my mother is water, my father is wood'. What emerged from this experiment was an imaginary landscape, melding its loci through original photography and video footage in tandem with stock imagery and historical material. This juxtaposition reinforced the represented landscape as a narrative landscape and evidence of the performativity of belonging. This practitioner reflection utilizes Lynette Russell’s research into landscape archaeology to consider the significance of relationships with landscapes that are “not always empirically demonstrable.”





Queensland Centre for Photography


Pedersen, Courtney (2014) Representing places never visited: Landscape and the diasporic imagination. In Garnons-Williams, Victoria (Ed.) Photography and Fiction: Locating Dynamics of Practice, Queensland Centre for Photography, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 71-74.


Copyright 2014 QCP, the authors and the artists 2014 Copyright Images, the artists 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Queensland Centre for Photography.


Creative Industries Faculty; School of Media, Entertainment & Creative Arts

Palavras-Chave #190500 VISUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS #190503 Lens-based Practice #Photography #Installation #Video art #Practitioner reflection #Landscape archaeology #Queensland history #Genealogy

Conference Paper