Performing Rural Masculinities : A Case Study of Diggers and Dealers

Autoria(s): Pini, Barbara; Mayes, Robyn

Gorman-Murray, Andrew

Hopkins, Peter




This chapter examines what Parpart and Zalewski (2008) label 'the man question' in terms of the rural. That is, 'how masculinity comes to be "made" as a continuing process within the social context' of rural places and spaces (Kerfoot and Knights 1993: 662). Our understanding of masculinities as discursively produced, relational, multiple and changing is given empirical force through a case study of the annual resource conference, Diggers and Dealers. The conference, held in the remote mining town of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia since 1992, is today the largest international meeting for the resource sector, attracting over 2000 attendees. Through an analysis of 120 texts related to the conference from 2006 to the present, including media repotis, blogs and conference programs and speeches, we demonstrate how, what is essentially a corporate event, is imported into the rural and constructed through the intersecting discourses of rurality, masculinity and heterosexuality. That is, though the first such meeting may have taken place spontaneously in Kalgoorlie, the delegates, and the 'skimpy' barmaids who serve patrons in their underwear or sometimes topless and are seen as central to the event, are flown into town for the conference. Kalgoorlie, as a working mining community on the edge of the deseti, provides both spectacle and conditions for the enactment of frontier masculinity not possible in the metropole.





Pini, Barbara & Mayes, Robyn (2014) Performing Rural Masculinities : A Case Study of Diggers and Dealers. In Gorman-Murray, Andrew & Hopkins, Peter (Eds.) Masculinities and Place. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 431-442.


QUT Business School; School of Management

Palavras-Chave #160804 Rural Sociology #Rural #Masculinities #Case Study

Book Chapter