Toward making inroads in reducing the disparity of lung health in Australian Indigenous and New Zealand Maori children

Autoria(s): Chang, Anne B.; Marsh, Robyn; Upham, John; Hoffman,, Lucas; Smith-Vaughan, Heidi; Holt, Deborah; Toombs, Maree; Byrnes, Catherine A.; Yerkovich, Stephanie; Torzillo, Paul; O'Grady, Kerry-Ann; Grimwood, Keith



Globally, Indigenous populations, which include Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders in Australia and Māori people in New Zealand (NZ), have poorer health than their non-Indigenous counterparts. Indigenous peoples worldwide face substantial challenges in poverty, education, employment, housing and disconnection from ancestral lands. While addressing social determinants of health is a priority, solving clinical issues is equally important. Indeed, ignoring the latter until social issues improve risks further disparity as this may take generations. A systematic overview of interventions addressing social determinants of health found a striking lack of reliable evaluations.Where evidence was available, health improvement associated with interventions was modest or uncertain. 10 Thus advances in healthcare remain essential and these require the best evidence available in 11 preventing and managing common illnesses, including respiratory illnesses.



Frontiers Media S.A.



Chang, Anne B., Marsh, Robyn, Upham, John, Hoffman,, Lucas, Smith-Vaughan, Heidi, Holt, Deborah, Toombs, Maree, Byrnes, Catherine A., Yerkovich, Stephanie, Torzillo, Paul, O'Grady, Kerry-Ann, & Grimwood, Keith (2015) Toward making inroads in reducing the disparity of lung health in Australian Indigenous and New Zealand Maori children. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 3, p. 9.


Chang, Marsh, Upham, Hoffman, Smith-Vaughan, Holt, Byrnes, Toombs, Yerkovich, Torzillo, O'Grady and Grimwood.

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Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Public Health & Social Work


Journal Article