Decision making in social neurobiological systems modeled as transitions in dynamic pattern formation

Autoria(s): Araujo, Duarte; Diniz, Ana; Passos, Pedro; Davids, Keith



Extant models of decision making in social neurobiological systems have typically explained task dynamics as characterized by transitions between two attractors. In this paper, we model a three-attractor task exemplified in a team sport context. The model showed that an attacker–defender dyadic system can be described by the angle x between a vector connecting the participants and the try line. This variable was proposed as an order parameter of the system and could be dynamically expressed by integrating a potential function. Empirical evidence has revealed that this kind of system has three stable attractors, with a potential function of the form V(x)=−k1x+k2ax2/2−bx4/4+x6/6, where k1 and k2 are two control parameters. Random fluctuations were also observed in system behavior, modeled as white noise εt, leading to the motion equation dx/dt = −dV/dx+Q0.5εt, where Q is the noise variance. The model successfully mirrored the behavioral dynamics of agents in a social neurobiological system, exemplified by interactions of players in a team sport.



Sage Publications Ltd.



Araujo, Duarte, Diniz, Ana, Passos, Pedro, & Davids, Keith (2014) Decision making in social neurobiological systems modeled as transitions in dynamic pattern formation. Adaptive Behavior: animals, animats, software agents, robots, adaptive systems, 22(1), pp. 21-30.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Palavras-Chave #170200 COGNITIVE SCIENCE #Social coordination, bifurcations, decision making

Journal Article