The role of resilience and mTBI as predictors of postconcussional disorder symptomatology

Autoria(s): Sullivan, Karen A.; Edmed, Shannon; Karlsson, Lina; Allan, Alicia C.; Smith, Simon S.



Objective Resilience is 1 of several factors that are thought to contribute to outcome following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This study explored the predictors of the postconcussional syndrome (PCS) symptoms that can occur following mTBI. We hypothesized that a reported recent mTBI and lower psychological resilience would predict worse reported PCS symptomatology. Method 233 participants completed the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI) and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS). Three NSI scores were used to define PCS symptomatology. A total of 35 participants reported an mTBI (as operationally defined by the World Health Organization) that was sustained between 1 and 6 months prior to their participation (positive mTBI history); the remainder reported having never had an mTBI. Results Regression analyses revealed that a positive reported recent mTBI history and lower psychological resilience were significant independent predictors of reported PCS symptomatology. These results were found for the 3 PCS scores from the NSI, including using a stringent caseness criterion, p < .05. Demographic variables (age and gender) were not related to outcome, with the exception of education in some analyses. Conclusion The results demonstrate that: (a) both perceived psychological resilience and mTBI history play a role in whether or not PCS symptoms are experienced, even when demographic variables are considered, and; (b) of these 2 variables, lower perceived psychological resilience was the strongest predictor of PCS-like symptomatology.



American Psychological Association



Sullivan, Karen A., Edmed, Shannon, Karlsson, Lina, Allan, Alicia C., & Smith, Simon S. (2015) The role of resilience and mTBI as predictors of postconcussional disorder symptomatology. Rehabilitation Psychology, 60(2), pp. 147-154.


Copyright 2015 American Psychological Association


Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Qld (CARRS-Q); Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Optometry & Vision Science; School of Psychology & Counselling


Journal Article