A comparison of lungworm faecal larval counts and trichostrongyloid faecal egg counts between Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) and Red DeerXWapiti F1 hybrids.

Autoria(s): Parsons, Stuart; Mackintosh, CG; Wharton, DA



To determine if breed differences in susceptibility to trichostrongyloid and lungworm infection exist, two groups of weaner deer containing seven red deer and red deer X wapiti F1 hybrids were compared using faecal egg counts and faecal larval counts. All animals were run on the same pasture at the same time and treated with the same anthelmintics at the same time. Results indicated that there were significant differences between red deer and red deer X wapiti hybrids, with red deer having higher faecal lungworm counts and red deer X wapiti hybrids having significantly higher faecal egg counts. It is likely that these differences were due to breed. Differences in the efficacy of anthelmintic treatments were also noted between the two groups, with oral oxfendazole being less effective at reducing faecal lungworm counts in red deer X wapiti hybrids than red deer.





Parsons, Stuart, Mackintosh, CG, & Wharton, DA (1994) A comparison of lungworm faecal larval counts and trichostrongyloid faecal egg counts between Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) and Red DeerXWapiti F1 hybrids. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 42, pp. 110-113.




Journal Article