Designing for collaborative learning spaces : an academic staff development pilot program

Autoria(s): Cook, Roger



To prepare for the delivery of new Bachelor of Science units in collaborative learning spaces, academic and professional staff at Queensland University of Technology piloted an academic development program over the period of a semester. The program was informed by Rogers’ theory of innovation and diffusion (2003) and structured according to Wilson’s framework for faculty development (2007). Through a series of workshops and group mentoring activities, the program modelled inquiry-based learning in a collaborative learning space, and the participants designed and practiced the delivery of teaching activities. This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of the pilot based on survey responses from participants, notes from the development team who coordinated the program and audience feedback from the final showcase session. The design and structure of the program is discussed as well as possible future directions.





International Council for Educational Media (ICEM)



Cook, Roger (2013) Designing for collaborative learning spaces : an academic staff development pilot program. In 63rd IEEE Annual Conference International Council for Educational Media: we-Learning, Content, Creation and Community, International Council for Educational Media (ICEM), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, pp. 1-9.


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Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support

Palavras-Chave #100000 TECHNOLOGY #130000 EDUCATION #collaborative learning spaces, academic development, blended learning, learning design

Conference Paper