Chinese EFL students' response to an assessment policy change

Autoria(s): Chen, Qiuxian; May, Lyn

Yu, Guoxing

Jin, Yan




In light of its documented potential for enhancing learning, formative assessment has been adopted across a range of educational contexts to improve the quality of education. The assessment innovation that the Chinese Ministry of Education (CMoE) proposed to College English in 2007 via the College English Curriculum Requirements (CECR) (CMoE, 2007), is an initiative of this kind. Considering the acknowledged influence of assessment on students’ learning, it is instructive to explore the ways in which Chinese university students respond to an assessment policy change of this magnitude, particularly as it positions them as more active learners, having the potential for increased agency and engagement in their English language learning and assessment practices. In order to explore the response of students to this assessment initiative, a case study was conducted in the context of a College English classroom. Data included an interview with a College English teacher and four students from her classes, and classroom observations and a survey of her two classes of 100 students. Analysis of the data reveals that Chinese students’ responses to the assessment policy change are influenced by a variety of sociocultural factors, including their previous English language learning and assessment experience and the extent to which they are willing to play the ‘assessment game’. These findings have implications for policy and practice.





Palgrave Macmilan


Chen, Qiuxian & May, Lyn (2016) Chinese EFL students' response to an assessment policy change. In Yu, Guoxing & Jin, Yan (Eds.) Assessing Chinese Learners of English: Language Constructs, Consequences and Conundrums. Palgrave Macmilan, United Kingdom, pp. 199-218.


Copyright 2016 Palgrave Macmilan


School of Cultural & Professional Learning; Faculty of Education

Palavras-Chave #130207 LOTE ESL and TESOL Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Maori) #assessment innovation #formative assessment #Chinese English Language learners

Book Chapter