Barriers to bikesharing : an analysis from Melbourne and Brisbane

Autoria(s): Fishman, Elliot; Washington, Simon; Haworth, Narelle; Mazzei, Armando



This study quantifies the motivators and barriers to bikeshare program usage in Australia. An online survey was administered to a sample of annual members of Australia’s two bikeshare programs based in Brisbane and Melbourne, to assess motivations for joining the schemes. Non-members of the programs were also sampled in order to identify current barriers to joining bikeshare. Spatial analysis from Brisbane revealed residential and work locations of non-members were more geographically dispersed than for bikeshare members. An analysis of bikeshare usage in Melbourne showed a strong relationship between docking stations in areas with relatively less accessible public transit opportunities. The most influential barriers to bikeshare use related to motorized travel being too convenient and docking stations not being sufficiently close to home, work and other frequented destinations. The findings suggest that bikeshare programs may attract increased membership by ensuring travel times are competitive with motorized travel, for example through efficient bicycle routing and priority progression and, by expanding docking station locations, and by increasing the level of convenience associated with scheme use. Convenience considerations may include strategic location of docking stations, ease of signing up and integration with public transport.



Pergamon Press



Fishman, Elliot, Washington, Simon, Haworth, Narelle , & Mazzei, Armando (2014) Barriers to bikesharing : an analysis from Melbourne and Brisbane. Journal of Transport Geography: the international journal focusing on transport and spatial change, 41, pp. 325-337.


Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Qld (CARRS-Q); School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment; Faculty of Health; Science & Engineering Faculty; School of Psychology & Counselling

Palavras-Chave #Bicycle #CityCycle #Bikeshare #Melbourne #Transport #Brisbane

Journal Article